+7 4842 27-12-77

Marketing services

Restyling and rebranding

Brand restyling implies changes in the visual brand identification system, as well as quality renewal and updating of brand appearance while keeping the old brand name, its values and philosophy.

The main focus of restyling is typically on the brand logo and the brand identity.

The need for restyling of the hotel brand may be dictated by:

  • Requirements of time, irrelevant brand visual identity over time;
  • Inconsistency of the current visual image with the market segment of the hotel and its positioning;
  • Difficult to identify, remember and maintain the elements of visual brand identity;
  • Non-uniqueness, lack of strong distinctive features of facility compared to main competitors or imitation;
  • Undesirable associations caused by the brand logo.


Hotel rebranding aims at a deep qualitative brand change at all levels starting from its philosophy, intrinsic values, brand strategy to the name and all external brand constants, such as logo, corporate identity, etc.

It is considered that rebranding involves only rooms renovation and logo change, but this opinion is wrong. Our first steps when starting the hotel rebranding process are to conduct market research, to identify the strengths and weaknesses of competitors, and to capture the basic needs of the client audience. Further on we develop a positioning strategy – options of the brand philosophy and identify a free niche which is not or poorly used by competitors.

The objective reasons for hotel rebranding are:

  • Fundamental structural changes in the hotel, merger or acquisition requiring rebranding, which is essentially creating a new brand;
  • Expansion and new market development by the hotel brand;
  • A significant change in the market situation: the emergence of stronger and more aggressive players, requiring an immediate response from hotel brand, such as development of a new brand strategy, branding, etc.;
  • A negative image, which can be eliminated only through a comprehensive rebranding and creating a perception of a completely new brand.


As a result of rebranding there is an emergence of a new and competitive hotel business facility that has all the tools for further successful work.