+7 4842 27-12-77

Quality level assessment


Mystery Guest approach is based on the generally accepted quality standards in hospitality industry. Conducting this type of audit could be the first step to improve the quality of service and vice versa to add a new source of information to the existing quality control system in the hotel/restaurant.

The purpose of Mystery Guest approach is not only to make the objective and independent assessment of the existing service level in the hotel, but also to analyze the audit results and develop recommendations to improve the quality of hotel services. It also helps to identify the major service deficiencies as well as to reveal the unique service opportunities starting from room inventory conditions to the staff professional qualification and initiative in guest relations.

We guarantee:

• Confidentiality of the data collected
• Provision of full materials including report, checklists, photos and audios
• Submission of the report within 7 days
• Detailed recommendations for service improvement
• Audit conducted by hospitality professionals with work experience in 3, 4, 5-star hotels

Do you have great service? Perhaps only while the Manager is at work.

We will show you the real picture for the best performance of your business.

For more details, please contact our specialists:
Чорномыз Ольга: +7 920 878-25-88, chornomyz.o@sk-hotels.com


Mystery reservation calls
Mystery reservation calls help to evaluate the quality of front office, reservation and sales work performance.

An extensive checklist and an audio recording of the call allow to make a comprehensive assessment of an employee knowledge level and his compliance with telephone etiquette standards.

Mystery calls method guarantees:
Reliability of results – all calls are carried out under the real scenarios;
Validity – each scenario is individually tailored to the audit request;
Visibility – measurement results are reflected in the checklist, where all the criteria are completed, if any item of the checklist is executed incorrectly, comments and recommendations for implementation are provided;
Measurability – the checklist allows to see not only the quality component of the mystery call, but also the percentage of its completion.

Regular mystery calls enable to monitor the strengths and weaknesses in the work of employees, as well as to track their performance.

For more details, please contact our specialists:
Чорномыз Ольга: +7 920 878-25-88, chornomyz.o@sk-hotels.com

Quality level assessment

The main objective of the telephone survey based on the NPS approach is to receive immediate feedback from guests. You get the opportunity to monitor how services quality of your company meets the expectations of your guests firsthand.

The basic NPS question which allows to understand your quests loyalty is:

“On a scale from 0-10, how likely are you to recommend our hotel to your friends, relatives or colleagues, with 0 being extremely unlikely and 10 being extremely?”

Advantages of NPS approach

Measurability – you will receive quantitative data in the form of rated assessment, as well as qualitative data in the form of guest comments. On the basis of the results you will be able to track the operational performance of the hotel departments.

Flexibility – NPS is a commonly used tool for assessing customer loyalty. The NPS approach is trusted by brands such as Booking.com, Beeline, Apple, eBay, American Express, General Electronic, etc.

Efficiency – telephone survey will allow you to receive immediate feedback from guests and work through its results with employees.

Simplicity – a scale from 1 to 10 allows to measure quickly the emotional and rational attitude of guests to the services provided.

For more details, please contact our specialists:
Чорномыз Ольга: +7 920 878-25-88, chornomyz.o@sk-hotels.com